Sunday, November 10, 2013

Re-organization and LITTLE ERNESTO

Captain's Log, Day 64: Not ONLY do we have a lion cub at Amaru...but as of yesterday morning, we have a little Ernesto as well!! Congratulations to Amanda and Ernesto on their first child and son...he's got the same kind of energy in his eyes as his parents already. I got him a parrot and toucan mobile to try and start him early on the ornithology track.What a time for a baby, in the middle of hiring two new zookeepers, a vet, building a vet clinc and aviary.
Victoria, proud Aunt of Ernesto Filipe, with the new arrival himself!

Babies are the COOLEST. Look at that little human! Born on a beautiful Cuencan day to the wildest parents I know. A double dose of biology in his genes and a childhood home inside a zoo...what a life.

That all being said, We have TWO MORE DAYS LEFT before the fundraiser to build the Vet Clinic and Aviary for Amaru!! We're not quite close to our goal, but we DO have enough money to build the basics for the clinic, and are moving forward ALREADY! Every little bit helps, so if you haven't already, please support our efforts!! I want to see all these quarantined parrots FLY someday soon....
Check out our Razoo at the link below!
We've been replanning everyone's routes so that we have one keeper in nutrition and the bioterrium!

...and so the animals are fed in a safer order (fruits and veggies first, meat after...)

And so all the new workers and volunteers have specific concentrations!!

Ernesto addressing all of us in what will become regular protocol update meetings. How exciting to be here at the start!
So much to do and less than a WEEK left for me to do it all!

Thank you all so much for your support, and stay tuned: I have started to do some work with local Environmental Ministry workers concerning illegal bird trafficking. Pictures to follow!


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